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Why Doesn't Fido Want to Play Anymore?

Is There Such a Thing As Dog Arthritis?

Dog arthritis affects more than twenty percent of dogs, leaving them shuffling around the house, instead of romping around the yard. This did not happen overnight, though. Repeated irritation of a joint, and the inflammation that follows, can break down the protective covering over ends of the bone. This protective covering, much like Teflon® covering a pan, allows the joint to move freely. And like that nonstick pan, when the Teflon® starts to wear, the surfaces do not glide very well on the uneven surfaces. Things stick, like the bones in a joint, resulting in cartilage fragments, bone spurs, and muscle tightening.


Dog arthritis signs are much like those in humans. Any of the following can be signs that your dog is developing arthritis:

Stiffness, especially in the morning

Increased stiffness after exercise

• Decreased range of motion in a joint

Joints are tender to the touch

Crepitus (noise upon movement of the joint)

Decreased range of motion in a joint

• Despondent

Hesitating to climb stairs


These dog arthritis signs are a sign that the joints are beginning to break down. Often, the joints will become inflamed, which heat can help alleviate. JointREGENERATE can help decrease irritation in joints, with its combination of herbs and enzymes, along with glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate.

Treating dog arthritis with herbs can be effective, but this may not be enough. Helping your dog build new cartilage, which herbs don't do, should be an integral part of your dog's supplement regimen. Herbs can be highly effective at preventing inflammation, which is one of the key steps to maintaining healthy joints. JointREGENERATE provides the herbs, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates, enzymes, and vitamins & minerals that are needed to help maintain healthy joints. So don't just stop at herbs; use JointREGENERATE. JointREGENERATE delivers pain relief where your dog needs it most.

Dog arthritis causes the smooth surface of the articular cartilage to become pitted and uneven. In a healthy joint, this surface is smooth, allowing the bones to glide easily. This uneven surface causes irritation, the root of your dog's pain. Pain nerves, known as C fibers, are activated by the chemicals released during irritation, causing these fibers to send pain signals to your dogs brain. Dog arthritis medication blocks these pain signals, though, they do not help the root cause of the irritation. JointREGENERATE can help prevent this degeneration of the articular cartilage by helping to increase the production of new cartilage. Articular cartilage is regularly replaced by the body, much like skin or hair. Maximizing the growth of articular cartilage can help prevent this pitting, which can decrease the need for dog arthritis medicine, keeping your dog young and active.

What's in JointREGENERATE?

What does this all mean for your joint health?

JointREGENERATE is 24% more effective than glucosamine chondroitin combinations. Utilizing a combination of herbs, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, glucosamine, and chondroitin that targets joint inflammation and irritation. These can lead to stiff joints, achy muscles, and soreness. JointREGENERATE targets the cause, not merely masking the symptoms.

Why does JointREGENERATE work so well?

"JointREGENERATE is a wonderful product. It is very effective at reducing joint irritation and muscle soreness, much better than glucosamine."

Marguerite Shaw, RN

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  • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)

  • Guide Dogs For The Blind

  • Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation (AARF)

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