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How Can A Supplement Work So Well?

I've tried glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, heck, even "magic" crystals. Is JointREGENERATE really better?

Quite frankly, yes. JointREGENERATE is a patent-pending blend of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and herbs that is designed to specifically reduce the irritation and inflammation that can come from joint overuse.

Joint overuse is much more common than is often realized. The reasons for joint overuse are thoroughly discussed on the Why Does My Dog Have Pain? page. How JointREGENERATE can help your dog is detailed below, which is what you probably really want to know.

Strontium citrate is a naturally-occurring mineral, closely related to magnesium and calcium. it is not to be confused with the man made, radioactive isotope. The mineral strontium is very unique in that it helps to activate the cartilage-building cells, called chondrocytes. Cartilage, much like skin, is continuously being repaired and replaced. it is more difficult to replace cartilage, however, because of the decreased blood supply at the ends of bones. Articular cartilage, the cartilage at the end of bones, which forms part of the joint, needs to maintain a smooth, consistent surface in order the joint to stay healthy. Strontium can greatly help the articular cartilage to keep its even, smooth surface by helping to increase the rate at which new articular cartilage is produced.

"Time Out!"

Why take a nutritional supplement to prevent dog arthritis?

JointREGENERATE is a patent-pending blend of concentrated nutrients that are specifically designed to target your dog's joints, at amounts much greater than your dog can get through diet.

JointREGENERATE is the only nutritional supplement in the world to offer this unique action of strontium. How? Because Aurora Research, the makers of JointREGENERATE, hold the pending patent for this  research. In fact, JointREGENERATE was found in clinical trials to be  24% more effective  then glucosamine and chondroitin combinations. And JointREGENERATE does not stop here.

Glucosamine for dogs also plays an important role in maintaining the health of your dog's joints. Glucosamine is an amino acid sugar that is a cornerstone for building joints. Glucosamine can come in a number of sources, including liquid glucosamine for dogs. Healthy joints are not maintained by glucosamine alone, however. Glucosamine requires a series of complex metabolic actions to occur in order for it become effective. A breakdown in any one of these processes will prevent glucosamine from being effective.

Healthy Joints = A Happy Dog, Get JointREGENERATE

Glucosamine / chondroitin therapy for dogs could be another answer, but like glucosamine-only supplements, a number of other nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are needed to convert the supplement into a usable form. this is why people who try glucosamine chondroitin treatment for arthritis in dogs don't find it successful. Let's look at the mechanisms that cause pain in the first place.

Dog arthritis pain can not only stop your dog from daily activities, it can stop a wonderful life, Pain is a response the body learns, sometimes resulting in pain when there is not even painful stimulus. this is a phenomenon known as neuronal plasticity, meaning that the pain fibers are more easily activated, causing pain more easily and readily. this is why not only providing your dog with the nutrients he or she needs to maintain healthy joints is so important, using a supplement that also reduces pain and irritation is vitally important.

Inflammation, which is the result of joint irritation, can break down the joint. This inflammation also has chemicals that irritate the pain nerves, causing them to tell the brain that a joint is irritated and painful. So, not only do these chemicals break down the joint, they also can lead to neuronal plasticity, which just isn't fair.

JointREGENERATE targets the chemicals that cause inflammation and potential neuronal plasticity, helping keep the joints healthy and pain free. Anti-inflammatory herbs help decrease these pain causing chemicals at their source, the irritated joint. So no only are the symptoms being stopped, the true cause of the pain is being reduced. The is much better for the health and wellbeing of your dog.

Why does JointREGENERATE work so well?

"JointREGENERATE is a wonderful product. It is very effective at reducing joint irritation and muscle soreness, much better than glucosamine."

Marguerite Shaw, RN

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